01 Pages : 1-10
- Abraham, R. (1998). Emotional dissonance in organizations: Antecedents, consequences, and moderators. Genetic, social, and general psychology monographs, 124(2), 229.
- Ahmed, I., Sultana, I., Paul, S. K., & Azeem, A. (2013). Employee performance evaluation: a fuzzy approach. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, 62(7), 718-734.
- Argyris, C. (1957). Personality and organization; the conflict between system and the individual.
- BartuÅ¡eviÄÂienė, I., & Ã…Â akalytė, E. (2013). Organizational assessment: effectiveness vs. efficiency. Social Transformations in Contemporary Society, 1(1), 45-53.
- Baumeister, R. F. (2001). Ego depletion, the executive function, and self-control: An energy model of the self in personality.
- Burdett, J. O. (1998). Forty things every manager should know about coaching. Journal of Management Development, 17(2), 142-152.
- Caldwell, D. S., & Ihrke, D. M. (1994). Differentiating between burnout and copout in organizations. Public Personnel Management, 23(1), 77-84.
- Colquitt, J., Lepine, J. A., Wesson, M. J., & Gellatly, I. R. (2011). Organizational behavior: Improving performance and commitment in the workplace (Vol. 375). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Irwin.
- Cropanzano, R., Rupp, D. E., & Byrne, Z. S. (2003). The relationship of emotional exhaustion to work attitudes, job performance, and organizational citizenship behaviors. Journal of Applied psychology, 88(1), 160
- Delaney, J. T., & Huselid, M. A. (1996). The impact of human resource management practices on perceptions of organizational performance. Academy of Management journal, 39(4), 949-969.
- Evered, R. D., & Selman, J. C. (1989). Coaching and the art of management. Organizational Dynamics, 18(2), 16-32.
- Frederiksen, A., Lange, F., & Kriechel, B. (2017). Subjective performance evaluations and employee careers. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 134, 408-429.
- Grandey, A. A., Dickter, D. N., & Sin, H. P. (2004). The customer is not always right: Customer aggression and emotion regulation of service employees. Journal of Organizational Behavior: The International Journal of Industrial, Occupational and Organizational Psychology and Behavior, 25(3), 397-418.
- Gul, A., Akbar, S., & Jan, Z. (2012). Role of Capacity Development, Employee empowerment and Promotion on Employee Retention in the banking sector of Pakistan. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 2(9), 284.
- Halbesleben, J. R. B., & Bowler, W. M. (2005). Organizational citizenship behaviors and burnout. Handbook of organizational citizenship behavior: A review of
- Hamblin, R. L. (1964). Punitive and non-punitive supervision. Social Problems, 11(4), 345-359.
- Hargrove, R. (1995). Masterful coaching. San Francisco: Pfeiffer.
- Jackson, S. E., & Schuler, R. S. (1985). A meta-analysis and conceptual critique of research on role ambiguity and role conflict in work settings. Organizational behavior and human decision processes, 36(1), 16-78.
- Jackson, S. E., Schwab, R. L., & Schuler, R. S. (1986). Toward an understanding of the burnout phenomenon. Journal of applied psychology, 71(4), 630.
- Jackson, S. E., Turner, J. A., & Brief, A. P. (1987). Correlates of burnout among public service lawyers. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 8(4), 339-349.
- Jeong, K. Y., & Phillips, D. T. (2001). Operational efficiency and effectiveness measurement. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 21(11), 1404-1416.
- Kamoche, K. (2001). Human resources in Vietnam: The global challenge. Thunderbird international business review, 43(5), 625-650.
- Katz, D., Maccoby, N., Gurin, G., & Floor, L. G. (1951). Productivity, supervision and morale among railroad workers.
- Koopmans, L., Bernaards, C. M., Hildebrandt, V. H., de Vet, H. C., & van der Beek, A. J. (2014). Measuring individual work performance: Identifying and selecting indicators. Work, 48(2), 229- 238.
- Koopmans, L., Bernaards, C. M., Hildebrandt, V. H., de Vet, H. C., & van der Beek, A. J. (2014). Measuring individual work performance: Identifying and selecting indicators. Work, 48(2), 229- 238.
- Lee, R. T., & Ashforth, B. E. (1996). A meta-analytic examination of the correlates of the three dimensions of job burnout. Journal of applied Psychology, 81(2), 123
- Marek, T., Schaufeli, W. B., & Maslach, C. (2017). Professional burnout: Recent developments in theory and research. Routledge.
- Marlowe, D. B., & Kirby, K. C. (1999). Effective use of sanctions in drug courts: Lessons from behavioral research. National Drug Court Institute Review, 2(1), 1-31
- Maslach, C., & Jackson, S. E. (1984). Burnout in organizational setting
- Maslach, C., Schaufeli, W. B., & Leiter, M. P. (2001). Job burnout. Annual review of psychology, 52(1), 397- 422.
- McGregor, D. (1960). The human side of enterprise, New York (McGraw-Hill Book Company) 1960.
- Melamed, S., Shirom, A., Toker, S., Berliner, S., & Shapira, I. (2006). Burnout and risk of cardiovascular disease: Evidence, possible causal paths, and promising research directions. Psychological bulletin, 132(3), 327.
- Moore, J. E. (2000). One road to turnover: An examination of work exhaustion in technology professionals. MIS quarterly, 141-168.
- Mulki, J. P., Jaramillo, F., & Locander, W. B. (2006). Emotional exhaustion and organizational deviance: Can the right job and a leader's style make a difference?. Journal of Business Research, 59(12), 1222-1230.
- Orth, C. D., Wilkinson, H. E., & Benfari, R. C. (1987). The manager's role as coach and mentor. Organizational Dynamics, 15(4), 66-74.
- Peterson, E., Plowman, G. E., & Trickett, J. M. (1962). Business Organization and Manage ment. Homewood, Illinois: Ricnard D. Irwin.
- Pines, A. M., Aronson, E., & Kafry, D. (1981). Burnout: from tedium to personal growth. New York: A Division of MacMillian Publishing Co
- Pines, A. M., Aronson, E., & Kafry, D. (1981). Burnout: from tedium to personal growth. New York: A Division of MacMillian Publishing Co.
- Popper, M., & Lipshitz, R. (1992). Coaching on leadership. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 13(7), 15-18.
- Saleem, S., & Amin, S. (2013). The impact of organizational support for career development and supervisory support on employee performance: An empirical study from Pakistani academic sector. European Journal of Business and Management, 5(5), 194-207.
- Stanton, P., & Nankervis, A. (2011). Linking strategic HRM, performance management and organizational effectiveness: perceptions of managers in Singapore. Asia Pacific Business Review, 17(01), 67-84.
- Stanton, P., & Pham, H. T. (2014). Managing employee performance in an emerging economy: perceptions of Vietnamese managers. Asia Pacific Business Review, 20(2), 269-285
- Swanson, R. (2007). Analysis for improving performance: Tools for diagnosing organizations and documenting workplace expertise. Berrett-Koehler Publishers.
- Theriou, G. N., & Chatzoglou, P. D. (2008). Enhancing performance through best HRM practices, organizational learning and knowledge management: A conceptual framework. European Business Review, 20(3), 185-207.
- Van Knippenberg, D. (2000). Work motivation and performance: A social identity perspective. Applied psychology, 49(3), 357-371.
- Wolpin, J., Burke, R. J., & Greenglass, E. R. (1991). Is job satisfaction an antecedent or a consequence of psychological burnout?. Human relations, 44(2), 193-209.
- Yusoff, R. B., Ali, A. M., & Khan, A. (2014). Assessing reliability and validity of job performance scale among university teachers. Journal of Basic and Applied Scientific Research, 4(1), 35-41.
- Abraham, R. (1998). Emotional dissonance in organizations: Antecedents, consequences, and moderators. Genetic, social, and general psychology monographs, 124(2), 229.
- Ahmed, I., Sultana, I., Paul, S. K., & Azeem, A. (2013). Employee performance evaluation: a fuzzy approach. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, 62(7), 718-734.
- Argyris, C. (1957). Personality and organization; the conflict between system and the individual.
- BartuÅ¡eviÄÂienė, I., & Ã…Â akalytė, E. (2013). Organizational assessment: effectiveness vs. efficiency. Social Transformations in Contemporary Society, 1(1), 45-53.
- Baumeister, R. F. (2001). Ego depletion, the executive function, and self-control: An energy model of the self in personality.
- Burdett, J. O. (1998). Forty things every manager should know about coaching. Journal of Management Development, 17(2), 142-152.
- Caldwell, D. S., & Ihrke, D. M. (1994). Differentiating between burnout and copout in organizations. Public Personnel Management, 23(1), 77-84.
- Colquitt, J., Lepine, J. A., Wesson, M. J., & Gellatly, I. R. (2011). Organizational behavior: Improving performance and commitment in the workplace (Vol. 375). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Irwin.
- Cropanzano, R., Rupp, D. E., & Byrne, Z. S. (2003). The relationship of emotional exhaustion to work attitudes, job performance, and organizational citizenship behaviors. Journal of Applied psychology, 88(1), 160
- Delaney, J. T., & Huselid, M. A. (1996). The impact of human resource management practices on perceptions of organizational performance. Academy of Management journal, 39(4), 949-969.
- Evered, R. D., & Selman, J. C. (1989). Coaching and the art of management. Organizational Dynamics, 18(2), 16-32.
- Frederiksen, A., Lange, F., & Kriechel, B. (2017). Subjective performance evaluations and employee careers. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 134, 408-429.
- Grandey, A. A., Dickter, D. N., & Sin, H. P. (2004). The customer is not always right: Customer aggression and emotion regulation of service employees. Journal of Organizational Behavior: The International Journal of Industrial, Occupational and Organizational Psychology and Behavior, 25(3), 397-418.
- Gul, A., Akbar, S., & Jan, Z. (2012). Role of Capacity Development, Employee empowerment and Promotion on Employee Retention in the banking sector of Pakistan. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 2(9), 284.
- Halbesleben, J. R. B., & Bowler, W. M. (2005). Organizational citizenship behaviors and burnout. Handbook of organizational citizenship behavior: A review of
- Hamblin, R. L. (1964). Punitive and non-punitive supervision. Social Problems, 11(4), 345-359.
- Hargrove, R. (1995). Masterful coaching. San Francisco: Pfeiffer.
- Jackson, S. E., & Schuler, R. S. (1985). A meta-analysis and conceptual critique of research on role ambiguity and role conflict in work settings. Organizational behavior and human decision processes, 36(1), 16-78.
- Jackson, S. E., Schwab, R. L., & Schuler, R. S. (1986). Toward an understanding of the burnout phenomenon. Journal of applied psychology, 71(4), 630.
- Jackson, S. E., Turner, J. A., & Brief, A. P. (1987). Correlates of burnout among public service lawyers. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 8(4), 339-349.
- Jeong, K. Y., & Phillips, D. T. (2001). Operational efficiency and effectiveness measurement. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 21(11), 1404-1416.
- Kamoche, K. (2001). Human resources in Vietnam: The global challenge. Thunderbird international business review, 43(5), 625-650.
- Katz, D., Maccoby, N., Gurin, G., & Floor, L. G. (1951). Productivity, supervision and morale among railroad workers.
- Koopmans, L., Bernaards, C. M., Hildebrandt, V. H., de Vet, H. C., & van der Beek, A. J. (2014). Measuring individual work performance: Identifying and selecting indicators. Work, 48(2), 229- 238.
- Koopmans, L., Bernaards, C. M., Hildebrandt, V. H., de Vet, H. C., & van der Beek, A. J. (2014). Measuring individual work performance: Identifying and selecting indicators. Work, 48(2), 229- 238.
- Lee, R. T., & Ashforth, B. E. (1996). A meta-analytic examination of the correlates of the three dimensions of job burnout. Journal of applied Psychology, 81(2), 123
- Marek, T., Schaufeli, W. B., & Maslach, C. (2017). Professional burnout: Recent developments in theory and research. Routledge.
- Marlowe, D. B., & Kirby, K. C. (1999). Effective use of sanctions in drug courts: Lessons from behavioral research. National Drug Court Institute Review, 2(1), 1-31
- Maslach, C., & Jackson, S. E. (1984). Burnout in organizational setting
- Maslach, C., Schaufeli, W. B., & Leiter, M. P. (2001). Job burnout. Annual review of psychology, 52(1), 397- 422.
- McGregor, D. (1960). The human side of enterprise, New York (McGraw-Hill Book Company) 1960.
- Melamed, S., Shirom, A., Toker, S., Berliner, S., & Shapira, I. (2006). Burnout and risk of cardiovascular disease: Evidence, possible causal paths, and promising research directions. Psychological bulletin, 132(3), 327.
- Moore, J. E. (2000). One road to turnover: An examination of work exhaustion in technology professionals. MIS quarterly, 141-168.
- Mulki, J. P., Jaramillo, F., & Locander, W. B. (2006). Emotional exhaustion and organizational deviance: Can the right job and a leader's style make a difference?. Journal of Business Research, 59(12), 1222-1230.
- Orth, C. D., Wilkinson, H. E., & Benfari, R. C. (1987). The manager's role as coach and mentor. Organizational Dynamics, 15(4), 66-74.
- Peterson, E., Plowman, G. E., & Trickett, J. M. (1962). Business Organization and Manage ment. Homewood, Illinois: Ricnard D. Irwin.
- Pines, A. M., Aronson, E., & Kafry, D. (1981). Burnout: from tedium to personal growth. New York: A Division of MacMillian Publishing Co
- Pines, A. M., Aronson, E., & Kafry, D. (1981). Burnout: from tedium to personal growth. New York: A Division of MacMillian Publishing Co.
- Popper, M., & Lipshitz, R. (1992). Coaching on leadership. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 13(7), 15-18.
- Saleem, S., & Amin, S. (2013). The impact of organizational support for career development and supervisory support on employee performance: An empirical study from Pakistani academic sector. European Journal of Business and Management, 5(5), 194-207.
- Stanton, P., & Nankervis, A. (2011). Linking strategic HRM, performance management and organizational effectiveness: perceptions of managers in Singapore. Asia Pacific Business Review, 17(01), 67-84.
- Stanton, P., & Pham, H. T. (2014). Managing employee performance in an emerging economy: perceptions of Vietnamese managers. Asia Pacific Business Review, 20(2), 269-285
- Swanson, R. (2007). Analysis for improving performance: Tools for diagnosing organizations and documenting workplace expertise. Berrett-Koehler Publishers.
- Theriou, G. N., & Chatzoglou, P. D. (2008). Enhancing performance through best HRM practices, organizational learning and knowledge management: A conceptual framework. European Business Review, 20(3), 185-207.
- Van Knippenberg, D. (2000). Work motivation and performance: A social identity perspective. Applied psychology, 49(3), 357-371.
- Wolpin, J., Burke, R. J., & Greenglass, E. R. (1991). Is job satisfaction an antecedent or a consequence of psychological burnout?. Human relations, 44(2), 193-209.
- Yusoff, R. B., Ali, A. M., & Khan, A. (2014). Assessing reliability and validity of job performance scale among university teachers. Journal of Basic and Applied Scientific Research, 4(1), 35-41.
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APA : Sattar, S., Mushtaq, D., & Mushtaq, A. (2019). Impact of Punitive Supervision on Employee Performance: Employees Exhaustion as a Mediating Role in The Hospitality Sector of Pakistan. Global Anthropological Studies Review, II(I), 1-10. https://doi.org/10.31703/gasr.2019(II-I).01
CHICAGO : Sattar, Shahzadi, Danish Mushtaq, and Amna Mushtaq. 2019. "Impact of Punitive Supervision on Employee Performance: Employees Exhaustion as a Mediating Role in The Hospitality Sector of Pakistan." Global Anthropological Studies Review, II (I): 1-10 doi: 10.31703/gasr.2019(II-I).01
HARVARD : SATTAR, S., MUSHTAQ, D. & MUSHTAQ, A. 2019. Impact of Punitive Supervision on Employee Performance: Employees Exhaustion as a Mediating Role in The Hospitality Sector of Pakistan. Global Anthropological Studies Review, II, 1-10.
MHRA : Sattar, Shahzadi, Danish Mushtaq, and Amna Mushtaq. 2019. "Impact of Punitive Supervision on Employee Performance: Employees Exhaustion as a Mediating Role in The Hospitality Sector of Pakistan." Global Anthropological Studies Review, II: 1-10
MLA : Sattar, Shahzadi, Danish Mushtaq, and Amna Mushtaq. "Impact of Punitive Supervision on Employee Performance: Employees Exhaustion as a Mediating Role in The Hospitality Sector of Pakistan." Global Anthropological Studies Review, II.I (2019): 1-10 Print.
OXFORD : Sattar, Shahzadi, Mushtaq, Danish, and Mushtaq, Amna (2019), "Impact of Punitive Supervision on Employee Performance: Employees Exhaustion as a Mediating Role in The Hospitality Sector of Pakistan", Global Anthropological Studies Review, II (I), 1-10
TURABIAN : Sattar, Shahzadi, Danish Mushtaq, and Amna Mushtaq. "Impact of Punitive Supervision on Employee Performance: Employees Exhaustion as a Mediating Role in The Hospitality Sector of Pakistan." Global Anthropological Studies Review II, no. I (2019): 1-10. https://doi.org/10.31703/gasr.2019(II-I).01