01 Pages : 1-9
http://dx.doi.org/10.31703/gasr.2021(IV-I).01 10.31703/gasr.2021(IV-I).01 Published : Jun 1Normative Orders in Everyday-Life: Being Expatriate in Times of COVID-19 Pandemic and Crisis in Frankfurt am Main
In the contemporary world of a strong digital order, yesterday's political borders give the impression of being not that more important. The old world was determined through its concepts of borders, frontiers, statehood, institutions, or the membership of its citizens. The strongholds of a state are its physical borders, politics (process), polity (structures/institutions) and policy (content/normative). This article analyzes how social orders pass on to normative orders in everyday life in times of COVID-19 and crisis for expatriates in Germany's most international city Frankfurt am Main. It tries to reflect how physical borders are influencing still people and to what extent sources of borders are shaping everyday life.
Normative Orders, COVID-19, Pandemic, Crisis, Frankfurt
(1) Syed Imran Haider
Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Allama Iqbal Open University, Isalmabad, Pakistan.
(2) Homayun Alam
Goethe University Frankfurt am Main Germany.
(3) Muhammad Ali
Department of Sociology, Allama Iqbal Open University, Isalmabad, Pakistan.
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Cite this article
APA : Haider, S. I., Alam, H., & Ali, M. (2021). Normative Orders in Everyday-Life: Being Expatriate in Times of COVID-19 Pandemic and Crisis in Frankfurt am Main. Global Anthropological Studies Review, IV(I), 1-9. https://doi.org/10.31703/gasr.2021(IV-I).01
CHICAGO : Haider, Syed Imran, Homayun Alam, and Muhammad Ali. 2021. "Normative Orders in Everyday-Life: Being Expatriate in Times of COVID-19 Pandemic and Crisis in Frankfurt am Main." Global Anthropological Studies Review, IV (I): 1-9 doi: 10.31703/gasr.2021(IV-I).01
HARVARD : HAIDER, S. I., ALAM, H. & ALI, M. 2021. Normative Orders in Everyday-Life: Being Expatriate in Times of COVID-19 Pandemic and Crisis in Frankfurt am Main. Global Anthropological Studies Review, IV, 1-9.
MHRA : Haider, Syed Imran, Homayun Alam, and Muhammad Ali. 2021. "Normative Orders in Everyday-Life: Being Expatriate in Times of COVID-19 Pandemic and Crisis in Frankfurt am Main." Global Anthropological Studies Review, IV: 1-9
MLA : Haider, Syed Imran, Homayun Alam, and Muhammad Ali. "Normative Orders in Everyday-Life: Being Expatriate in Times of COVID-19 Pandemic and Crisis in Frankfurt am Main." Global Anthropological Studies Review, IV.I (2021): 1-9 Print.
OXFORD : Haider, Syed Imran, Alam, Homayun, and Ali, Muhammad (2021), "Normative Orders in Everyday-Life: Being Expatriate in Times of COVID-19 Pandemic and Crisis in Frankfurt am Main", Global Anthropological Studies Review, IV (I), 1-9
TURABIAN : Haider, Syed Imran, Homayun Alam, and Muhammad Ali. "Normative Orders in Everyday-Life: Being Expatriate in Times of COVID-19 Pandemic and Crisis in Frankfurt am Main." Global Anthropological Studies Review IV, no. I (2021): 1-9. https://doi.org/10.31703/gasr.2021(IV-I).01